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After Cutting: The Second Largest Diamond in the World, Unveiled by Lawrence Graff

A few years back (2015), the Lesedi La Rona diamond had just been uncovered as the world's 2nd largest gem-quality diamond. Its given name translates to 'Our Light' in the local Tswana language- the 1,109 carat stone was found in Botswanna, a source that has become famous for the production of many large diamonds throughout history.

Photography credit: Graff Jewellers

London-based jewelry icon Lawrence Graff purchased the diamond back in 2017 for about 53 million dollars. Since then, Graff has had 66 individually cut diamonds polished from the Lesedi La Rona, which initially close to the size of a tennis ball.

Last month, the largest cut stone was finally unveiled, weighing 302.37 carats. The faceted diamond was named the Graff Lesedi La Rona, maintaining the original stone's given name in part. The stone is now believed to be the largest 'square shaped emerald cut' diamond in existence. Mr. Graff commented in an article that their initial goal was to surpass the 300 carat mark for this stone, which was properly achieved by paying careful attention to the diamond as every procedure was being accomplished.

Prior to the release of this stone, many of the smaller diamonds cut from the original Lesedi La Rona had already been unveiled, possibly to give the public an impression into the diamond's slow journey towards the upper hierarchies of the jewelry world.
Gemcamp Laboratories
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