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A Look at Three Curiously Original Diamond Cuts

Diamond cuts are plentiful in today's diverse jewelry trade, however here are three unique cutting styles and shapes that some collectors may not have seen yet. These original ideas are already on many market sectors in different countries, but so far we have not yet seen any pass through our doors here in the Philippines.

(Photography: Diamonds by Lauren, Design: Henri Daussi)

Henri Daussi Loots invented the curious 'stallion head' or 'horse shaped' diamond cut, which for a time went viral due to its peculiar yet novel appearance. More common than most people would expect, some laboratories in Europe actually see a lot of these being submitted for grading. It's sometimes called the 'Horse Brilliant', although others simply consider it as a free-form shape with a brilliant faceting style. Perhaps there is a cutter out there who has experimented with creating a full-bodied horse cut, however this may entail thinner details that could possible be difficult because of durability issues.

(Cut Design: George Saltzman)

Decades ago, George Saltzman first created his 'Christmas Tree' cut, which made use of the popular seasonal image to sometimes appropriate irregularly shaped or broken rough diamonds into a style that was more relatable and original. This cut had a niche market and was considered as an interesting conversation starter for jewelry afficionados who collected one for themselves, although today it isn't widely seen in the U.S. anymore, as most cutters who later adapted similar designs focused more on cheaper colored gemstones such as london blue topaz.

(Photography: Schreiner Fine Jewellery)

In the mid 1990's, another specialty cut was co-created by a buddhist and (Antwerp-based) Oliver Korn. It was dubbed the buddha cut, and showcased the silhouette of a seated buddha figure, with the culet / center situated at the middle chest area of the figure. This cut became widely popular with asian markets due to appropriation of both religion and culture into this specific design. 33 crown facets and 21 pavilion facets made up the initial patented cut. There was also a requirement that the head area of the buddha cut remain inclusion-free, which was passed on to the gem cutters who worked with the design.
Gemcamp Laboratories
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