Photography Credit: BBBGem (above) and Christine K. Jewelry (below)
Today let's take a look at possibly the next most famous beryl variety used in jewelry- Morganite. This pastel peach-pink stone was named after J.P. Morgan, who himself was a notable gemstone enthusiast. Morganite was discovered in California and Madagascar sometime in the early 20th century, and has been circulating around many demure and elegant coloured-stone jewelry themes ever since.
It's no surprise that morganite's specific hue is a favorite of brides, debutantes and socialites. Many tout its color as a graceful accent for modern day women. Although morganite cabochon rings are also popular among men, especially when embellished with the warmer tones of yellow or reddish gold.
For those on a mid-market budget, morganite also makes a great alternative to padparadscha sapphire, the pinkish-orange corundum color that's been trending nowadays on the colored stone markets. Padparadscha can sometimes out-value blue sapphire colors even at fine jewelry auctions, so despite popularity, these stones can feel quite expensive for many collectors.

Morganite can be found in many parts of the world, like Brazil, Russia, Mozambique and Namibia among other places, but the best qualities are still quite sporadic in distribution. The supply and demand of gemstones plays an integral part in its popularity within the trade. Morganite currently sits behind aquamarine and emerald in terms of both public reception and price, however it has enough of a following for jewelers to actively use it as a main center-stone in rings, pendants and many other types of personal jewelry wear.
Sometimes called pink beryl, morganite's colour can range from a lightly toned brownish peach to salmon pinks with good saturation, although most material is typically orangey pink in a subtle pastel shade. Fashion trends love to make use of morganite along with light blues, and rose gold colours.