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This Curious Ant Tried to Steal a Diamond, and was Caught on Camera.

We all need to take a breather from work every now and then, but it seems that some jewellers can't even sit down to have a relaxing cup of coffee without worrying about theft- from all directions.

This tiny ant was caught on camera attempting to 'steal' a large diamond that was probably about 5 times its size. Luckilly for the ant, the owners have not reported it to the local authorities (or decided not to pummel it).

The viral video of this small insect is quickly spreading through the internet, making both jewellers and jewelry collectors laugh out loud at the curiosity of the situation. Once in a while we have to take a step back and enjoy the small moments in life.

Although numerous videos have surfaced on youtube about this little guy, here's one from the New York Post, as we're not too sure who the original jewelers who filmed it were. They might be thinking about pest-control now at their offices. Either that or this could have possibly been one really interesting marketing stunt!

In Arizona (US), there are ants out in the wild that have been known to "push out" red pyrope garnets from their hill mounds. The ants hate these gems because they can't break them apart with their mandibles. Sometimes prospectors find these red pebbles on the arid ground, and end up calling them anthill garnets.

Anyway, if an ant can do this- maybe your own pets and creepy crawlies could be considered as potential culprits for gem and jewelry disappearances at home! I's possible, as far as we saw through the video anyway (although incredibly unlikely).

It's somewhat interesting to note that occasionally certain gems can also "carry" ants, judging from this piece of baltic amber. Fossilized plant resins millions of years old have been known to harbor insect inclusions, especially in their collector-qualities.

Cheers everyone, have a good week ahead.
Gemcamp Laboratories
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