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The 18.95ct. Pink Legacy is Estimated to be Worth Around 30 to 50 million Dollars.

Of all the fancy diamond colors, pink is one of the most popularly worn among socialites. Its feminine elegance and pastel hue can command such attraction even through the most demure subtlety.

Now it seems there's news of yet another brilliant specimen going to be auctioned by Christie's - Geneva. The 'Pink Legacy', an 18.95ct fancy vivid pink diamond is estimated by experts to fetch around 30 to 50 million USD at auction during its predicted release next month.

(Image & Photography Credit: Christie's)

Large diamonds above 2 carats very rarely possess enough color intensity and saturation to be considered 'Fancy vivid pink'. This natural treasure will be only one of four 'over-ten-carat' specimens to be auctioned during the past 250 years.

Its rarity alone is enough to gather connoisseurs and collectors from around the world to participate in this upcoming event in Geneva (Magnificent Jewels Sale - Nov. 13).

Historical impact also influences this gem's already pristine valuation. It has been traced to the famous Oppenheimer family- a name synonymous with the early development of the natural diamond trade. Headed once by Nicky Oppenheimer, the clan previously owned 40% of the De Beers group, although this was sold to another company back in 2011 for about 5.1 billion USD.

Before its scheduled appearance in Geneva, the 'Pink Legacy' is set to tour around the world- visiting Hong Kong, London and New York. Perhaps the world's elite diamond buyers will be entranced by the gem's scintillating beauty during one of these excursions.
Gemcamp Laboratories
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