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Red Diamonds | The Queen of Diamond Colors

In the world of fancy-colored diamonds, many gemstone collectors are already familiar with the trending pink, blue and yellow hues that are often accentuated into high-fashion showcases. The trade is highly focused on the supply of these colors, as they are relatively easier to come by compared to the rest.

Of course, gemstones were not made famous by historically common supplies. Exclusivity, rarity and beauty all come together to define what makes a gem precious and coveted. Red diamonds, hold this type of indescribable allure over only the most discerning clientele in our society.

Out of all the colors that diamonds can come in, red is by far one of the most highly sought after, and extravagantly paid for.

Several of the most famously expensive small-sized diamonds at auction possess a pure red hue. Even the famous Argyle Tender, hosted in Geneva, takes a lot of pride in presenting any red diamonds they mine during a season.

It's not easy to get your hands on one, as most jewelry stores will only sell colorless, near-colorless, yellow, and brown stones. Some other boutiques into rarer tastes may stock pinks and blues for their customers, but not many carry the scarlet reds that have captivated most of the high-end diamond collecting industry.

Rio Tinto, the company that owns the Argyle mine in Australia, is probably the world's largest mining company that focuses their efforts on fancy-colored diamonds. The Argyle mine mainly produces pink, colorless and brown stones due to its unique geological environment. The company has progressed with the marketing of their brown stones as chocolate diamonds, but concentrates most of their efforts on spreading the image of their exclusive pink stones.

Usually, fancy colored diamonds do not go as high up in saturation as rubies, emeralds or sapphires. They're typically more muted in intensity, showing a pastel beauty combined with diamond's illustrious brilliance and scintillation. Every now and then though, a lucky miner may come across a stone of incredible rarity, a diamond with enough color to rival even that of other gem species. When this happens, the trade talks. Conversations start to buzz, and people start bidding.

"Look for the things that make your heart go thump at first sight. The mysterious wonders of nature that are not burdened with twins or equals." What a diamond represents is commitment, beauty and timelessness. We encourage everyone to view their different colors and to appreciate the diamond species in its full spectrum of grandeur and elegance.

Photography credits to Rio Tinto Corporate Media
Gemcamp Laboratories
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