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Jewelry & Gems in the Philippine Trade

Before we created Gemcamp Laboratories, our founding partners / gemologists took a look at how the gemstone trade was doing in the Philippines.

While the country has a handful of small laboratories, most of the jewellery buying population seemed to get their information straight from whatever jewellers would tell them. This being the case, it's easy to assume that bias happens quite frequently in the marketing of gemstone products. People sometimes bought items under the impression that they were something else entirely.

What the buying community required was some room for available, independent analysis, as well as professional third-party support for all of their questions.

A lot of jewellery enthusiasts were confused about the differences between natural gemstones, man-made gemstones and imitation gemstones. Most saw gems as either "fake" or "real", and so assumed value opinions accordingly.

Gemological Laboratories Are Here to Support the Country's Jewelry-Buying Population, to Safeguard the Public Against Item Fraud and Mistrust.

Some believed that synthetic 'grown' gems were just as expensive as earth-mined naturals, while others on the opposite end of the spectrum believed that they were just simulants to be lumped up with other gem imitations.

Despite this, there are several jewellery stores who are quite honest with their business, respecting customers and their patronage. Most of the actual problems are rooted in misunderstandings that arise from one-sided marketing and product pushing (rather than outright misrepresentation).

Gemcamp Laboratories was launched so that we could give jewellery buyers an independent source of information about the different types of gems currently out there on the market.

We want to give the community back a sense of public trust, transparency, and proper non-biased disclosure so that they can properly decide on how to buy & sell gemstone from whomever or wherever they want.

It should be noted that we are a third-party institution, not in the business of trading gemstones or jewellery. Likewise, we do not recommend any specific jewellers or brands, nor do we buy or sell gemstones ourselves for profit or resale. 

We benefit the industry on a trade-scale level, hoping to support the entire market community.

The people at Gemcamp are simply here to help both buyers and sellers understand more about the nature of their products, and give insight into how gemstones are defined by both the international trade and the sciences that govern their mineral data.

We aim to help, share education and hopefully make a change in the appreciation of nature's smallest treasures.

Gemcamp Laboratories
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